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The Lake House

Enjoy a private terrace overlooking the lake.

This idyllic rural house is the perfect vacation destination all year round. The stone building next to a large oak makes...

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The Valleys Studio

Enjoy a private sauna and SPA.

This studio is the ideal vacation destination for all year round. The workshop aspect and the two terraces make this place timeless. The...

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The Lake Cabin

Enjoy a cabin with a private jacuzzi and lake view.

The Lake Cabin is a cozy little house with a beautiful location overlooking the lake. If you wish to rent a cabin in...

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The Woods Cabin

Enjoy a cabin with a private jacuzzi in the woods.

Our Woods Cabin is a cozy cabin in the woods with no direct neighbors. If you wish to rent a house in the countryside,...

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The Lake Mobile Home

Enjoy a private terrace and the pool.

The mobile home is located in a beautiful spot with views of the lake and meadows. This mobile home is the ideal place for those...

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The Woods Mobile Home

Enjoy a private terrace and the pool.

Benefit from a beautiful location in the forest, offering shade and lovely views of the meadow.

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The Woods Tent

Enjoy a private terrace and a private bathroom space.

Benefit from a beautiful location in the forest, offering shade and lovely views through the...

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The Valleys Tent

Enjoy a private terrace and a private bathroom space.

Benefit from a beautiful location at the forest's edge, offering shade and lovely views of the valley.

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The BelleVue Tent

Enjoy a private terrace and a private bathroom space.

Benefit from a beautiful location at the forest's edge, offering shade and lovely views of the valley, hence its...

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